Because Owning And Flying Your Beechcraft Can Be Done Safely AND For Less Money!
  Nose Gear Door Ball & Socket Replacement Solution

As the Beechcraft piston Fleet ages, we are finding more and more parts on our airframes that don't owe us not one more hour of service.

One of these parts is the Nose Gear door rod ball and socket, having done it's job of pushing and pulling the nose gear doors open and closed for all those airframe hours and gear cycles.

The following pirep on PN replacement sleuthing is brought to the Beech community by F33A owner, Shep J. of Dallas, TX.

Most IPCs show B-40-1 having been superseded by SP1106

But WAIT! The field reports are that the SP1106 are shorter than the original part and don't even thread adequately far enough into the link rods. Shep found this out after buying 8 of these parts .

After studying a number of legacy IPCs, Shep was able to find the following PN reference for the Ball Joint.

And presto, Shep has found the original robust adjustable ball joint and socket assembly PN: C100102, available on 1/6/2023 from Textron @ $91.95 each.

In the event this component is a budget buster for you, reconditioned units with new end plugs and new cad plating are available from Kevin O. at about half this price + shipping.

Refurbished Gear Door Ball & Socket

Kevin O.

Email Kevin HERE or call him at: Five-8-Zero  Six-6-zero-6-six-9-one.

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